Tuesday, July 10, 2018

House Rules - A Flexible Starting Point

1. Story and fun trump rules, but we will use 5e as basis for play.

2. Standard classes and races. I'm open to SCAG, XGTE, etc.

3. The more back story you provide, the more interesting the game.

4. No evil alignments.

5. No min-maxing. I promise not to rules lawyer or meta-game either.

6. Minimize table talk and cellphones. However, table talk can be really fun so just go with the flow.

7. Refer to players by PC names.

8. Be mindful of player knowledge versus PC knowledge.

9. If you're unhappy or bored in the game, let me know and we will remedy that.

10. I don't worry too much about encumbrance.

11. Ammunition may be scarce in the Underdark and other settings, but no limits initially.

12. You may play any race without dark vision penalties, but races (PCs and NPCs) with dark vision will have advantage on perception and other sight based checks in complete darkness.

13. Inspiration will be rewarded for playing background, alignment and creativity. You do not have to announce your intention to use inspiration dice before your role. You can simply decide after an ability check or attack role to use your inspiration dice.

14. All races and classes are fair game, within reason. No tarrasques:) You are welcome to use non-WOTC source materials, even PF materials, but let's talk first.

15. Crits get maximum damage (or ability check), plus a second roll with advantage.

16. Fumbles can lead to broken weapons or self inflicted damage. Fun!

17. DM will help, but expects players to be the experts in their races and classes and to utilize their skills and attributes according to D&D 5e PHB. If you're confused, I probably am too and we can decide together. See House Rule 1. I love D&D, but I'm weak on rules. I've always played a wizard till 5th edition so when you say your rogue is doing its sneaky thing or your paladin is getting all zealot on everybody, just be prepared to name the feat and explain it.

18. Per the DMG, magical items (other than customary healing potions) are rarely for sale and must be sought out through adventuring. But... it never hurts to ask.

19. As busy adults, I realize there will be times you can't make it to a game at the last minute. I will generally busy them by having them "hold the horses" while the rest of the party continues. You will rejoin them next game. You can get caught up here too so we don't use table time for that.

20. PCs will level up by milestones, rather than XP.

21. Players should start with the AL's model: ability scores of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. Alternatively, you can do a point buy.

22. Initiative will start with the highest roll and will proceed clockwise around the table. This will
speed up the most cumbersome part of combat for large groups. In case of ties, the player with the lower DEX bonus gets priority.

23. Roll to hit and attack dice simultaneously.

24. We will play old school, theater of the mind style most of the time, but you may want to keep a miniature on hand. I only use attacks of opportunity when we are using miniatures.

25. Sometimes, maybe due to magic, or for the sake of story, things don't work the way the have always worked before or as expected. e.g., even if you have a passive perception of 18, someone might still get the jump on you. It happens.

26. I'm old and I get tired before you whippersnappers... so we will aim to start promptly at 7 with all character updates ready to roll, and shoot for a hard stop at 10:30. However, if possible, I'm up for playing as often as possible, every other week possibly.

27. Inspiration is typically awarded for role play (voices, staying true to character, etc.) and creative problem solving (do you always have to fight the monster?).

28. Death & Dying: Spell components are typically assumed to be in your possession, but not in the case of revivify, raise dead, reincarnate, resurrection, true resurrection, or wish. Acquiring the components and conducting these spell rituals will be challenging and will be RP'ed. These spells will also require time, unlike other spells, require training. And, there will be some kind of stain of death (madness, deformity, loss of memories, change in personality, etc.). It may also have a price for the one casting the spell... ala Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell. 

29. I do not use passive perception.

30. No grave domain clerics... That is some seriously broken min maxing!

31. Run any non-PHB choices through GM.

32. Life saving spells and cantrips can only be used once per long rest.

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